An Erasmus+ KA229 Project
Future Empowered European Leaders

‘FEEL - Future Empowered European Leaders’ aims at developing 21st century skills in students and teachers of schools from six different countries through project-based, competence-oriented collaboration, leading to prepare students to be active, responsible European citizens. During the project, young people will reflect on the past and assess the present situation by analyzing hot issues such as the environment, climate change, food, inclusion, artificial intelligence, people and jobs. This will help them to suggest and develop future solutions that can make Europe a happier and healthier continent. It will be reinforced by exploring the situation in different countries, and use debates to discuss pros and cons of such differences. Debating is an innovative educational strategy that allows for enhanced critical thinking, public speaking and delivery of speech.
The project focuses on the development of critical thinking, digital skills, foreign language competences as well as transversal skills: communication, collaboration and creativity. Students will enhance skills needed for future education and work, a sense of intercultural awareness and the importance of values related to diversity and inclusion. These competences are the hallmarks of responsible citizenship, reinforcing opportunities to learners and teachers to become active European citizens.
The project is organised in four major stages, one stage leading to another:
1. HERITAGE MATTERS (CONNECTING PAST TO PRESENT) dedicated to the past, with discussions based on the common heritage of partner countries. This will broaden students’ understanding of the European diversity.
2. UNDERSTANDING PAST AND PRESENT TO WRITE FUTURE will focus on relating past to present; students will observe present times and focus on common grounds to build a united future. A portrait of a contemporary, responsible European individual will be created cooperatively.
3. RESHAPING OUR WORLD will focus on a better future; six divisions of the project ‘FEEL European Company’ will communicate and collaborate on scenarios that will make Europe a better continent to live in.
4. PLAYING A PART - OUR VOICE FOR EUROPE'S FUTURE will be dedicated to working on the final proposals, making contact with local MEPs and organizing a meeting in a selected EU institution in Brussels to share students’ proposals for future Europe. This will allow dissemination of the students’ ideas to higher authorities, who actually have a
say in the formation of Europe.