C5 Visit

The C5 mobility to Finland was a continuation of C1-C4 ones, we focused on past situations but started adding selected present issues.
During the C5 event students participated in workshops, listened to presentations of various experts, experienced the cleanliness of the Finnish nature and visited local businesses.

Day 1
The activities started by a brief presentation of each student.

The students got to know each other through speed-dating and other co-operative exercises. The teachers were shown a presentation about the way the school functions. It was followed by a tour of the school + a presentation about the Finnish educational system and school. The students at the school greeted us and guided us for a tour of the school. We all had a chance to visit some lesson and for the whole week the school treated us with a warm lunch at school.

Getting to know each other

Tour of the school

The school's education system

Daily lunch offered by the school
During a Biology lesson:
extracting DNA

In the afternoon the school organized an educational excursion at Nanoq Arctic Museum. Here we saw a large collections of hunting weapons and tools from Arctic regions. Arctic cultures, arctic clothes and textiles of arctic people, art collection with arctic motives. The museum has developed into a research centre on Arctic cultures. We also saw equipment from well-known research expeditions to the Arctic. We could see and walk into a peat house from Northern Greenland, a hunter’s cabin, and a goldminers camp from Lapland. We had the chance to see the Goichman Gallery and the museums church which is a replica of a church in Greenland.

After the Museum we headed to Faboda for an outdoor barbecue where we could see the beautiful sun set over the cold white icy sea.

Day 2
Tuesday was a day where the students could present the work they had worked on back in each respective country. They presented the “What If” and “What we Like and Dislike about Europe” scenarios in the school Auditorium. After the presentations we picked up the three most common aspects, pollution, immigration, and gender equality and in international groups the students discussed these topics. After Lunch we had an outdoor activity on survival techniques in icy cold climates. This was under the form of a contest and was held outside in the forest by the school.
What if...
The following images show some of the presentations:

Group discussions and presentations:
pollution, immigration and gender inequality

Forest Activity: Learning Survival Skills

Day 3
On Wednesday it was time for some sports activities. Finland being a cold country covered with snow most of the year makes it ideal for the practice of Winter Sports. At school all the students involved in the Erasmus project could have a go to work in the different sports workshops which included skating, skiing and sledging. After Lunch we visited Larsmo where we experienced Winter bathing followed by a walk to the beach in Larsmo where we could see how Finnish people fish for fish in Winter by drilling holes, into the thick ice. The ice was around one metre thick. Later in the afternoon the children were taken on sledges pulled by husky dogs. It was a unique experience for them.

Day 4
Thursday the day started off with the students working in groups on Entrepreneurship. It was interesting to see how they would plan on marketing a product of their own choice over a span of two hours. The students used chrome books for their research. It is a very effective way of preparing educational material as they can research and create presentations on the spot. They all conducted very good and strong presentations. A panel of judges from local industries assessed their ideas and originality and the best three groups got a reward.

Winning teams

The day ended with some group cooking. The students managed to cook a variety of pizza to suit the diet of everybody. It was followed by a Chocolate Mud cake. All was well made and tasted just wonderful!

Day 5

Our last day at Sursik Skola, the students started the morning by preparing debates. They collected arguments and decided on the individual roles for the debate. They worked in international groups. The debate was about “Societies and people can prosper and grow without harming the environment and climate”. It was interesting to see how the students manage to get so informative and passionate about the topics. It makes us adults realize that our students have great potential as we manage to see them outside the usual classroom context where the teacher is always giving them all the information. Through these debates, through this Erasmus+ project we realize that they can think, speak and rise up to the occasion on any topic. Debating is healthy, and through it we could see that sometimes perspectives are different, and all have something valid which maybe we as adults would not have thought of.
Practicing Debating Skills

The debate:
"Societies and people can prosper and grow without harming the environment and climate"

The judges:

In the evening the Finnish and Spanish students and teachers returned to school for a farewell dinner cooked by the school kitchen. After dinner the students joined together in a round of Let's dance and afterwards said goodbye to each other after a wonderful week where they all made many new friends!

All participants were awarded a certificate of participation.