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Annual Cultural Patterns

A very wide variety of multinational festivals and holidays are celebrated around the world, whether within particular religions, cultures, or otherwise. The aim of this activity is to discuss whether the participating schools celebrate common events, or whether they celebrate unique events. 

Task 1

A common Calendar of events is to be created. Each country must set annual calendar of events as celebrated per country. Are we unique or are we very close in our celebrations? (to include national and public holidays, national celebrations and annual scholastic events);  A common online calendar will be used, using the following link.


To use the calendar please follow the following guide:


Task 2

The students will now work in international teams. Ten common feasts/events will be selected, and each team will work on one. Each team will work on a shared Google Slide which will have 4 pages: Title with the name of the students working on it (DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE YOUR NAME STUDENTS PLEASE :) ), AND 3 OTHER PAGES, ONE PAGE PER SCHOOL/COUNTRY. One section per country. In this way each team will work on it, possibly at the same time. When all are completed they will be converted into one eBook.


Team 1: Christmas Eve/Christmas Day/Befana. Use this link

Team 2: New Year's Eve. Use this link

Team 3: Lent (from Ash Wedneday to Good Friday). Use this link

Team 4: Easter Day/Easter Monday. Use this link

Team 5: Carnival. Use this link

Team 6: Assumption Day (15th August). Use this link 

Team 7: Republic or National Day. Use this link

Team 8: Halloween. Use this link

Team 9: All Saints Day. Use this link

Team 10: Feast of Immaculate Conception. Use this link


The following is the final collaborative result:

Students working on Task 2
download (1).png
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