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Culinary Patterns

Traditional diets are patterns of eating inspired by the rich culinary histories of cuisines around the globe. 

Nearly all traditional diets are centered on a foundation of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts seeds, herbs, spices, and other plant foods. Meat, seafood, and traditionally produced dairy products (like yogurt and cheese) are often used as a garnish, while cooking fats, such as olive oil, are used to dress up vegetables and other nutritious ingredients. Refined sweets, like cakes and pastries, are reserved for special occasions, not everyday indulgences.

With traditional diets as your blueprint, there is hardly a more delicious route to optimal health and well-being.


Qarabagħli mimli fil-forn


Students will work in teams of 3 to 4. The students will focus on traditional dishes.

1. Find a minimum of 3 traditional recipes, and focus on the ingredients. Make a list of the health benefits offered by these ingredients. You may wish to design a poster to share your knowledge with others.

2. Find the history of the recipe, cook it and show photographs. Of course, it is important that you share your work with others through a presentation.

Students from both schools worked separately on their country's traditional ingredients and recipes; however, then they joined forces to create and publish the common tangible outcome: Evolving Culinary Patterns

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